The European Meeting on Physical Organic Chemistry


Ośrodek Konferencyjno-Wypoczynkowy Spała Zacisze
Częstochowa, ul. Zbierskiego 2/4

The European Meeting on Physical Organic Chemistry (EMPOC) (which until 2018 was called the Central European School on Physical Organic Chemistry) has been organized annually for 39 years. The primary objective of the Meetings is to exchange scientific ideas, discuss problems, establish collaborations, create opportunities for high level learning. The schedule of each Meeting is subordinated to those requirements. 

The general subject of this year's Meeting is "Structure and Reactivity". We hope that this fundamental subject will raise interests of chemists, physicists and biologist. Even though this research area has been discussed for a long time there are still many questions that remain unanswered.


Aktualizacja:  2019-03-19