Spaces for Change in Law, Language, Literature, History and Cultural Imagination of Asia, Africa and Europe



19th Conference on Translation, Interpreting, LSPs and Cultural Studiesand4th East European Consortium of Korean Studies (EECKS) and the International Conference on East Asian and Korean Studies

held on 27-29 June 2024 by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland)


Spaces for Change in Law, Language, Literature, History and Cultural Imagination of Asia, Africa and Europe

Hosted by: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Poland

in cooperation with:

Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea;

Inha University, Inchon, Korea;

Korea National Open University, Seoul, Korea;

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin and Seoul, Korea;

University of Split, Croatia.

 Call for papers

The concept of “Spaces for Change” in the domains of law, language, literature, history, and cultural imagination is a complex and multifaceted one, and it can vary significantly across different regions and contexts within Asia, Africa, and Europe. These spaces for change are often influenced by historical, social, political, and cultural factors. Here are some general considerations for each domain:


Legal Reforms: Spaces for change in the legal systems of these regions may involve reforms to address issues such as human rights, gender equality, and access to justice.

Customary Law: The intersection of traditional customary law and modern legal systems can be an area where change is sought to strike a balance between tradition and contemporary values.


Language Preservation: Efforts to preserve and revitalize indigenous languages are crucial in Africa, Asia, and Europe, where linguistic diversity is rich but threatened.

Language Policy: Government policies may play a significant role in promoting or hindering linguistic diversity and language change.

Globalization has contributed not only to the intensive mobility of people representing different cultures, beliefs or disciplines, but also influenced the expansion of scientific horizons. Today, research cannot be clearly assigned to only one area, because thanks to internationalization, the availability and the possibility of reduplication have significantly expanded. Today, scientific research is international, interdisciplinary and multilingual, and only such foundations allow us to create unique solutions involving scientists from all over the world. The conference is intended to become just such an event enabling the exchange of ideas between scientists from three continents who want to reflect on a common vision of tomorrow’s science, and in particular the following areas will be discussed during the conference:

  1. Research on specialized languages
  2. Teaching specialized languages from a contrastive perspective
  3. Didactics of specialized languages from a diachronic perspective
  4. New methods and tools used in teaching specialized languages
  5. Artificial intelligence and specialized language teaching
  6. Virtual reality in teaching specialized languages


Representation: There is a growing push for more diverse and inclusive literature that reflects the voices and experiences of marginalized groups.

Globalization: Literature can serve as a space for change by reflecting the impacts of globalization, migration, and cultural exchange on society.


Revisiting Narratives: Spaces for change in history involve revisiting and revising historical narratives to provide a more inclusive and accurate representation of the past, including the experiences of marginalized groups.

Decolonization: In many cases, there is a call to decolonize historical narratives and address the legacies of colonialism.

Cultural Imagination:

Contemporary Art: Contemporary art and cultural expressions often challenge traditional norms and push boundaries, serving as spaces for change in cultural imagination.

Cultural Exchange: Platforms for cultural exchange, such as festivals and exhibitions, can facilitate cross-cultural understanding and change perceptions of different regions.

It is important to note that the specific spaces for change within these domains can vary greatly from one country or region to another. Additionally, the dynamics of change may be influenced by factors such as political regimes, economic development, social movements, and globalization. What constitutes a space for change in one context may not be the same in another, and the direction of change can vary widely as well.

In these regions, the interplay between tradition and modernity, local and global influences, and the aspirations of diverse communities all contribute to the evolution of law, language, literature, history, and cultural imagination. Consequently, the spaces for change are dynamic and subject to ongoing debate and negotiation.


Public Communication: Within the realm of public communication, we witness evolving discourse patterns, encompassing alterations in communication modalities across both traditional and social media platforms. 

Political Communication: The landscape of political discourse is in a state of dynamic transition, with noteworthy shifts and contemporary tendencies evident in the domain of election campaigns, among other contexts. Political communication has been experiencing a process of professionalization that extends to linguistic aspects and non-verbal communication components. 

Institutional Communication: The domain of institutional communication embraces structured and professionalized means of interaction, bridging the gap between an institution, be it governmental, corporate, or administrative, and a collective or individual audience. 


Presentation slots should not exceed 20 minutes (15 minutes long presentation plus 5 minutes for questions). Power Point presentations are invited. Papers from the conference will be published after positive reviews. Any questions concerning the conference should be submitted to the following address:

The abstracts should be sent by 20th January 2024.
Abstract acceptance notification: 10th February 2024.
Submission of full papers : 30 June 2024.


Aktualizacja:  2023-11-18 19:57:45