The Ideal of “Democratic Man”



Already ancient philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, claimed that the “right reason” and virtue facilitates performing civic and managerial roles. They identified methods of educating people managing an organisation (e.g. ruling a state) and selecting them in terms of their competences and skills. Nowadays these methods have been implemented, i.a., in the theories and practice of education and management, however, under different names. The antique concept of right reason and virtue can be denoted by, for example, “methodological rationality,” “rational attitude,” or “rational assertivity.” During the conference we are going to discuss the nature of these competences and skills and their impact on security of organisations. Lectures or poster presentations can report state of theoretical and empirical researches, present paradoxes and limits, solved or unsolved theoretical and application problems in theory and practice of “right reason” and virtue in respect to their impact on security of organisations. 


Aktualizacja:  2017-06-07