Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Fototerapii


Turku, Finlandia

Spotkanie jest kontynuacją konferencji z 2008 roku, która zgromadziła ponad 200 specjalistów z całego świata zajmujących się terapia z wykorzystaniem fotografii. Przyszłoroczna konferencja pokaże najnowsze metody pracy i projekty z tego zakresu. Z oczekiwanych gości są sławy z całego świata takie jak Judy Weiser czy Ulla Halkola. Serdecznie zapraszamy!


We are delighted to welcome you to the Learning and Healing with Phototherapy Symposium, to be held in Turku, Finland, 3-5 February 2011. The symposium is also the final dissemination event of the EU funded Leonardo da Vinci Life Long Learning Programme project PHOTOTHERAPYEUROPE.

The project aim has been to develop and to disseminate the use of photherapy methods in promoting wellbeing and preventing social exclusion. The phototherapy methods are used in therapeutic processes with clients/patients in health, social service and education sectors. The project has brought together many professionals (researchers, teachers, nurses, counsellors, psychotherapists, artists, etc.) of the field from the partner countries Finland, Italy and UK .

The project and also the idea for the symposium stem from the International Conference on Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography which was held in Turku in June 2008. The conference was the first international phototherapy conference in Europe. Around 200 participants from over 20 countries took part in the conference and shared their knowledge and ideas, made important connections and found many new networks.

The Learning and Healing with Phototherapy Symposium will continue the tradition and present the latest know-how in the field of phototherapy and the experiences from the workshops, seminars and forums carried out during the project.

Besides the presentations from our project partners, we welcome abstracts for oral presentation relevant to the topic of Learning and healing with phototherapy.

We look forward to your contribution and participation and we hope that the symposium will offer a forum for stimulating discussions and networking. The symposium is also linked to the Turku 2011 European Capital of Culture year’s projects, and we hope that you will have a chance to enjoy some of the cultural events the city has to offer while your stay in Turku.

Źródło:  http://congress.utu.fi/phototherapy2011/

Aktualizacja:  0000-00-00 00:00:00