Workshop in Disability studies: Challenges, understandings and interpretations


Collegium Civitas
Częstochowa, ul. Zbierskiego 2/4

Zapraszamy pracowników naukowych oraz studentów zainteresowanych tematem do wspólnej dyskusji.

Disability studies cover a multidisciplinary and international research field with a mix of disciplines, research methods, and skills. Research themes are diverse and include topics on both societal and individual level. Students and researchers who are interested in discussing research methods in disability research are welcome to participate in this workshop.

There are many challenges in disability research, as for instance, how should disability be defined an operationalised. Other challenges are connected to power relations in research with individuals who in many ways are marginalised and excluded from mainstream society. Is for instance inclusive research a way of balancing power in research? Other questions are connected to analytic strategies and choice of method. Ethical questions about representing disabled people and how to avoid reproducing stereotyped images will be discussed.


Aktualizacja:  2014-08-28