East European Art seen from Global Perspectives: Past and Present


Galeria Labirynt
Częstochowa, ul. Zbierskiego 2/4

Galeria Labirynt, Lublin, Poland, October 24-27, 2014
/ admission free /

The conference aims to examine the problems specific to Central and Eastern European art, both past and present, as seen in the global perspective. The issues we would like to address include classical imperialism and the colonialism of traditional art, the international spread of the avant-garde and the Western model of the academy, the neo-colonial hegemony of the superpowers during the Cold War and the cultural practices which have followed since the fall of communism. To offer a broad, interdisciplinary and comparative spectrum, we have invited eminent scholars from all over the world, experts in the art and culture of their region, to participate. The conference will thus offer an opportunity for insight into, and an international perspective on, the essential cultural issues of Central and Eastern Europe. We hope that the exchange of research and experience will enable us not only to make a diagnosis of the cultural and social transformations taking place in our region of Europe and to take a common stand on the matters vital to both its present and future, but also to boost further research and cooperation in the areas of culture, science and education.

If you would like to join the audience at the conference, please send your given name and surname, together with your affiliation and the date(s) of the sessions you’ve chosen to attend, to registration@labirynt.com.

Źródło:  http://www.labirynt.com

Aktualizacja:  2014-08-26 00:00:00