Storytelling: Different Faces of Storytelling
Częstochowa, ul. Zbierskiego 2/4
Storytelling is inextricably linked with the humankind as people have been telling stories for ages. Stories first took the form of oral narratives. Later they started to be transcribed with the use of different tools. Nowadays we encounter the art of storytelling each day and almost everywhere: we share our stories with our family and friends, but we also participate in the cultural creation and exchange of stories. Stories serve as a powerful tool of communication and persuasion. They influence the way we perceive our worlds and set limits to what is “sayable”. We therefore invite students and junior scholars to discuss the art of storytelling from various perspectives.
We welcome proposals from across theoretical and disciplinary fields that engage the conference topic. Possible paper topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- the aesthetics of storytelling,
- storytelling and identity formation,
- storytelling techniques in teaching,
- translation of different stories - problems and other related issues,
- the psychology of storytelling,
- stories as a tool of political persuasion,
- storytelling and ideology,
- storytelling in the digital world,
- the history of storytelling,
- storytelling in terms of religious/mythical thinking,
Please send an abstract of about 300 words and a short bio to the conference organisers at by 30 April 2017. Please include your name, email address, and academic affiliation.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 7 May 2017.
The conference fee is 50 PLN. The fee includes coffee/tea breaks as well as conference materials.
Best Regards,
Conference organisers: Dr Anita Jarczok, Maciej Niemiec, MA, Arkadiusz Gardaś, Aleksandra O'Rourke, Katarzyna Romańczyk-Imielska