I International H/Story Seminar The Popcultural Life of Science: Stories of Wonder, Stories of Facts


Centrum Informacji Naukowej i Biblioteka Akademicka
Częstochowa, ul. Zbierskiego 2/4

We invite scholars of various fields to present their take on the popcultural life of science: examples, consequences and side effects of popularisation of scientific knowledge through weird tales, strange fictions and stories of wonder. The seminar is intended as a workshop and speakers are to submit their papers beforehand. During the seminar, each speaker briefly summarises the main points of their work; afterwards, all the participants are invited to take part in a discussion.

Among the specific themes that might be covered in ten-minute long presentations are the following (the list is by no means exhaustive):

 ·         popcultural representations of science and scientists

·         scientification of popculture versus “popculturing” of science – mechanisms, processes, consequences and side effects

·         relationships between scientific and popcultural discourses

·         how to “science” in the age of Instagram – popularity, money and responsibility

·         tale of science or tale of wonder?

·         “get fact” – science in the service of clicks

·         popcultural narratives of scientific problems – scientific facts or myths

·         mythbusting – demystifying and remystifying science in popculture

·         popculture as new mythology of science

·         mythos, pathos and logos in the stories of science

·         funification of science

·         popcultural functions of science

·         popculture as science/science as popculture

·         popcultural contributions to science

A selection of papers will appear in a Web of Science indexed journal and/or in a post-seminar monograph issued by a prestigious publisher.

We welcome scholars from various academic fields to submit their proposals by 9 February 2020. Abstracts (no more than 150 words) should be emailed to hstory.seminar@gmail.com. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 12 February 2020. Further deadline and editorial details on submitting texts prior to the seminar will follow.

Find us on: hstory.us.edu.pl/seminar and facebook.com/Hstory-437485846310918/

Źródło:  http://hstory.us.edu.pl/seminar

Aktualizacja:  2020-01-25