Young Linguists' Conference ATENA



Research Center for Applied Linguistics POLIGLOCI and the Department of Applied Linguistics are pleased to invite students and PhD candidates to participate in the Young Linguists' Conference ATENA, which will be held online on 21 April 2021 via the Zoom platform.

Submissions covering the following range of disciplines are welcome:

- Linguistics

- Literature

- Language Didactics

- Cultural Linguistics

- Translation Studies

The aim of the conference is to promote scientific development of young researchers, to show the diversity of their studies, and to exchange the views and experiences. Due to the bilingual nature of the conference, there will be a possibility to give presentations in both the English and German languages.

Students interested in participating in the conference are invited to send paper proposals up to 250 words to for a 15-minute presentation to 28 March 2021.

In order to register your participation in the conference, please fill in the following proposal form:

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the Scientific Committee by e-mail to abstract submitting authors by 8 April 2021.

Certificates of participation will be sent both by e-mail (PDF file) and by traditional mail. The conference fee is PLN40.00. It covers the costs of sending the participation certificates and the post-conference publication. The conference fee should be paid by 18 April 2021 (the account number will be provided after accepting the proposal form).

As we are planning to prepare an online post-conference publication of a scientific monograph, we cordially invite all participants to submit papers based on their presentations. Articles will be accepted for publication after receiving positive reviews. Further information as well as editorial guidelines will be provided to all participants by email in a later date.

Should you have any questions regarding the conference, please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail address:

Scientific Committee:

Prof. dr hab. Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz

dr hab. UR Agnieszka Mac, prof. UR

dr hab. UR Anna Hanus, prof. UR

dr Ewa Kusz

dr Iwona Szwed

dr Judyta Pawliszko

Organising Committee:

dr Agnieszka Buk

mgr Piotr Maziarz

mgr Debora Onik-Maziarz

Aktualizacja:  2021-03-04 18:34:14