Discourses of Exclusion:   Theories and Practices 



The conference examines the discourses of exclusion in contemporary sciences and societies. By adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, we wish to explore various forms and spaces of exclusion and the practices through which some subjects are alienated, dehumanized and objectified, situated outside culture and society. We are interested in exploring real-life contexts and experiences and scientific projects and theories – schemes, normative systems and relations that produce such exclusionary discourses. We wish to focus on both the theoretical and practical aspects of exclusion as these are the elements that (co-)create discourse.     

We do not wish to limit the range of possible topics but invite intersectional proposals from the fields of philosophy, sociology, literary and cultural studies, women’s studies, gender studies, studies of monstrosity, otherness and exclusion, interdisciplinary analysis of cultural texts and practices, discourse analysis, refugee studies, border studies, animal studies, science and technology studies, and environmental humanities.  Both regular papers and posters are welcome; the posters are to be accompanied by a short presentation of the work, followed by discussion. We are planning to organize workshops, roundtable discussions, poster sessions and meetings with activists and artists. 

Keynote speakers: TBA  


Abstracts of 150-200, containing the title of the paper or poster and the author’s name and affiliation, accompanied by a short biographical note, should be sent to the following address: pracowniawykluczenie@umk.pl   


Abstracts submission deadline: 1 May 

Notification of acceptance: 15 May 

Źródło:  https://pracowniawykluczenie.umk.pl/discourses

Aktualizacja:  2023-03-19 14:27:59