8th International Scientific Conference ENTRE 2016 z cyklu “Entrepreneurship and Beyond” nt. “Advancing Research in Entrepreneurship in the Global Context”


Stara Aula, Gmach Główny, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Częstochowa, ul. Zbierskiego 2/4


1. Methodology of entrepreneurship and small business research

2. Multi- and interdisciplinary entrepreneurship – bricolage of economics and management

3. Internationalised SMEs and International Entrepreneurship

4. Innovative SMEs: Knowledge-based and High-Tech SMEs

5. Hyper-Growth SMEs and High-Growth Entrepreneurship

6. Entrepreneurial Economy: Role of SMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Modern Economy  

7. Entrepreneurial Management & Strategic Entrepreneurship 

8. Family Entrepreneurship in the Modern Economies of the Globalised World

9. SMEs and Social Entrepreneurship in the Globalised World

10. Financing Entrepreneurship: Venture Capital, Corporate Venturing

11. Entrepreneurship Ecosystem – Innovative and Entrepreneurial Environment

12. SME/Entrepreneurship Education and Public Policy 


· Prof. Garry D. Bruton, PhD - Texas Christian University, Neeley School of Business (Fort Worth, Texas, USA), General Editor - Journal of Management Studies

· Prof. Jonathan Levie, PhD - University of Strathclyde, Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship (Glagow, UK)

· Prof. Krzysztof Obłój, PhD - University of Warsaw , Department of Strategic and International Management, Koźmiński University, Department of Strategy (Warsaw, Poland)

· Prof. Aviv Shoham, PhD - University of Haifa, Department of Business Administration  (Haifa, Israel)

Źródło:  http://www.conference.uek.krakow.pl/2016

Aktualizacja:  2015-07-21 22:06:38